Another year as passed (and it’s already February as I type this!)! How quickly time goes when you’re having a blast! My fur-clients never ceased to put a smile on my face and laughter in my heart! From wee-little Chihuahuas to almost ride-able Great Danes, they all kept me hopping! Our Forest Adventure continued to expand, though out the year, and is now a 5-day-a-week fun-filled option! Several fur-clients are taking advantage of an entire week of energy-burning socialization, and many others are joining in for a day or two or three. Quite often, we meet other pooches out on the trails and the packs enjoy their impromptu “party”. Their interactions help to build a more confident and stable personality, and their travels help to satisfy their instinctual need to travel on a daily basis. It’s an all-round win-win solution for the owner, the beloved K9’s, and, of course, myself – I’m the lucky one who gets to spend my days with such terrific pups!
Here we have part of the Friday pack – (back) Tyson and Spike (front) Butterball and Daisy. There’s no denying that they’re having the time of their life!
Many thanks goes out to my grooming clients! You have loyally returned on a regular basis to fill my grooming days well in advance! I apologize to new-comers who are usually surprised at the waiting list – many times, depending on the time of year, 6-weeks is not uncommon! But please don’t let that put you off. Quite often there will be an empty spot, and once you’re “in”, you’re IN!
Meet Katy, all decked-out for Santa
Smiling Blue Skies
The end of a calendar time signals the time to unlock the tip box and find out how much we collected for the Smiling Blue Skies Canine Cancer Fund. With excited fingers, I added up the coins and bills to a grand total of $200! Whahoooo! That’s $200 that can help find a cure! I love sending that off, and all those who donated should have a proud feeling in their hearts knowing that they are helping such a worthwhile cause!
I am very excited that Suzi Beber, the founder of Smiling Blue Skies, and I have something BIG planned for the middle of the new year that will, hopefully, increase that donation exponentially. Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement! It is going to be so exciting and so much fun!
The Spring of 2011 was particularly exciting on the home-front with the birth of our first lambs. We were blessed with a set of twin boys and 2 singles, a girl and a boy! I was fortunate to witness/assist in the birth of the singles, while a good friend was present for the birth of the twins. The miracle of new life never gets old! There are pictures in the photo gallery if you wish to take a peak of minutes-old baby lambs!
We had to say good-bye to Ciaran in the Autumn, one of the hardest things we’ve had to do, and we’re still reeling from the loss. Ciaran was such an intricately woven thread in the fabric of our lives and not a day goes past that we aren’t constantly reminded of the presence he had in our home. Love you, Ciaran-a-man!
Having some fun with “Daddy”
Well, that’s it for the 2011 news! I hope you enjoyed your visit back-in-time with me! We are looking forward to a New Year full of exciting walks, visits, and adventures both within the business and on the farm. As I wrote earlier, an exciting event is being planned for mid-Spring AND we’re hoping for some new lambs in May as well! May you all have a wonderful 2012!
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